Young Scientists
TIAFT Young Scientist Awards will be announced at the upcoming 59th TIAFT Annual Meeting held in Versailles from September 5-8, 2022. This meeting will feature the regular Best Oral, Poster and Paper Awards. find out more …
Monday September 5th, 2022
A) Young Scientist lunch, Rooms Le Nôtre + Boileau (Level 2, noon–1.00 pm)
A lunch, reserved for Young Scientists, will be offered by the TIAFT and SFTA.
Young scientists will have to pick up their badges and bags from 11 am in the reception hall before going to the Lulli room.
B) TIAFT & SFTA Young Scientist Symposium, Lulli Room (1.00 pm – 4.45 pm)
1.00-1.15 pm: Welcome remarks from TIAFT and French YSCs
1.15-1.30 pm: YS audience stand up and say name and where they are from
1.30-1.45 pm: TIAFT YSC mentor talk from the committee: Elena Lendoiro (Overview on advantages & disadvantages of alternative matrices)
1.45-2.00 pm: TIAFT YSC mentor talk from the committee: Rafael Lanaro (How clinical toxicology service can contribute in forensic cases?)
2.00-2.15 pm: Amine Larabi (New psychoactive substances (NPS) in clinical and forensic toxicology: Analysis, prevalence and metabolism)
2.15-2.30 pm: Angéline Kernalléguen (When single hair reveals cocaine habit of consumption: MALDI imaging vs. LC-MSMS)
2.30-2.45 pm: Florian Hakim (Blood simultaneous determination of PEth 16:0/18:1, PEth 16:0/20:4 and ethylglucuronide using DBS: application to a clinical study of patients hospitalized for withdrawal)
2.45-3.00 pm: Refreshments/coffee break offered by host organizational
3.00-3.20 pm: TIAFT YS Poster/Award. Olwen Groth (“Spice”-related deaths in and around Munich, Germany: A retrospective look at the role of synthetic cannabinoids in our post-mortem cases over a seven-year period (2014-2020))
3.20-3.40 pm: TIAFT YS Oral Award. Stefania Oliverio (Looking outside the forensic toxicology box – an approach to link results from the lab to public health)
3.40-4:00pm: TIAFT YS Paper Award. Nadine Schaefer (Allometric scaling – A useful tool for the extrapolation of toxicokinetic parameters of New Psychoactive Substances from animals to humans?)
4.00-4.45pm: Mentor talk: Prof. Pascal Kintz (Adverse doping result: let’s talk about sex)
C) Young Scientist welcome reception, Lulli Room (6.00 pm – 8.00 pm)
Following the opening ceremony, a Young Scientist welcome reception will take place in the Lulli room, from 6.00 to 8.00 pm.

Tuesday September 6th, 2022 (7.00 pm)
Young Scientists’ social night out
The YS will have the pleasure of meeting together for a drink offered by the host organization at Dorian’s pub from 7.00 pm
(Place Du Marche Notre Dame, 12 Rue André Chénier, 78000 Versailles)
Don’t forget your congress badge !